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Whether you’re a business leader looking to enhance your team’s communication skills, or an individual striving to communicate with confidence, our advice articles will help you reach your goals.
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Public Speaking Tips: How to Deliver a World Class Presentation
Our friend Sarah Brown at Walkerstone created this wonderful graphic on how to deliver world class presentations.
Hitting the right note: How to use music in presentations - Public Speaking Tips
Ever thought about whether to use music in your public presentations?
Public Speaking Tips: How Analyzing Your Audience Prior to Speaking Can Help
This month we partnered with Anna Kayfitz, CEO of StrategicDB Corp. on how to improve presentation skills by knowing your audience.
Public Speaking Tips: How to effectively use body language when presenting.
When the topic of body language comes up we’re often asked, “What should I do with my hands?” The answer is, there isn’t one right answer.
Professional Success Tips: Adapting to your boss’s communication style
Understanding how to adapt to your boss’s communication style is an important business communication skill to hone.
All In the Eyes: How Eye Contact Can Help You Confidently Communicate - Public Speaking Tips for Leaders, Managers and Team Builders
Eye contact can make you feel powerful or vulnerable or both simultaneously. Of all the tools in our communication inbox this makes it arguably the most powerful.
Career Success Advice - For Good Reason: What to do when you need to lie convincingly.
As we get older we discover lying can be necessary. So what should you do when you must lie--convincingly--and for good reason?
Why emotional intelligence is key to personal and professional success.
People with strong emotional intelligence tend to make better leaders, better managers, and better colleagues.
Struggling with being interrupted at work? Handle it with these career success tips.
Find yourself interrupted at work? Here are a few active tips to help you navigate the situation.
Why Finding Comfort in the Discomfort is Key to Confident Public Speaking
Changing how you speak when speaking publicly can feel counterintuitive to the way you’ve always known.
Public Speaking Tips - Brush up on your presentation skills with Walkerstone
Our friends at Walkerstone created this handy graphic all about the do's and don'ts of presenting and we just had to share it with you.
Voice of Reason: How to mediate a difficult conversation - Tips for Leaders, Managers, Team Builders and Collaborators
Navigating conflict is never pleasant. And it can be doubly hard to witness friends or colleagues in the midst of a disagreement that doesn’t directly involve you.
There’s no ‘I’ in Team….But Should There Be? Tips for Leaders, Managers and Team Builders
S.H.E. Summit founder Claudia Chan, uses the term “macro-movement” to describe the amalgamation of social movements working as a team to ensure women and men are treated fairly.
Professional Success - Want to change your communication style? Embrace growing pains.
Working on changing your communication style? Patience + awareness = success.
Code-switching: Connect with Your Audience - Public Speaking Tips
A clear understanding of your audience is important for a number of reasons. Not least of which is so you can decide how you should talk to them.
Most valuable thing Warren Buffett owns? A degree in public speaking.
What’s the only diploma the 3rd richest man in the world has hanging in his office? It’s from Dale Carnegie’s public speaking course issued to one Mr. Warren Buffett in 1951.
Hate the sound of your voice? It’s not you, it’s science!
One of the best ways to hone your public speaking skills or presentation skills is to record yourself when you practice. Yet many of us would rather eat glass than listen to the recorded sound of our own voice.
Conquering Your Fear of Client Cultivation
The biggest fear for female entrepreneurs? Attracting new clients.
Professional Success -Managing Up: How to Talk to Your Boss
Working for someone who doesn’t communicate effectively can be tricky. Since it’s in your best interest to forge a healthy relationship with your boss, what to do? Enter the concept of ‘Managing Up’.
Mindfulness: Get Your Head in the Game - Career Success Tips
What is mindfulness? And why would the president of a major professional sports franchise think it a valuable tool for his world-class athletes?